Saturday 17 December 2011

An encounter with my ideal: Dr. Verghese Kurien, The milkman of India.

Dr. Verghese Kurien
One of the biggest excitement in the initial days after start of IRMA was the meeting with Dr. Verghese Kurien that was supposed to happen a week after the introductory lectures started. But, unfortunately, we did not get a chance to meet Dr. Ku (as he was fondly called) then since he was not keeping well. Till that time, I had known Dr. Verghese Kurien just as the Architect of white revolution in India and a chief force behind the formation of Amul. But slowly as my time at IRMA progressed, I got to know many more aspects in the life and times of Dr. Kurien.

The matter of meeting Dr. Kurien was almost forgotten since then. But, I always had a strong will to meet the great Dr. Kurien himself who I had started idolizing by that time. Everytime that I used to meet our institute Director, I used to request him to schedule a meeting with Dr. Ku. One day the finally came. We got a chance to meet the Hero himself, we got to hear his story from the Hero himself, we got a chance to pose with the Hero himself. Luckily, I carried a copy of his Biography, "I too had a Dream" and I got it personally signed by the King himself. Meeting Dr. Kurien, in Amul Dairy in midst of the beatiful green lawns which still sung the praises of Dr. Kurien's greatness; was an achievement for me. To add to it, the 3 huge rooms in the premises of Amul dairy filled with the medals, gifts, trophies, appreciations, certificates etc. all in name of Dr. Kurien flattered me. Everything forced me to think HOW CAN A PERSON ACHIEVE SO MUCH IN A SINGLE LIFETIME?? My determination to do contribute to the society now become all the more strong. Perhaps, this is why people say, "People fade, But Legacy stays on". All the minor remaining doubts on my decision to join IRMA were flushed away and replaced with thankfulness and gratitude for the Great Institute and the great Dr. Ku!

I always kept the signed copy of the book very dearly, and close to my heart. Whenever I felt short of inspiration, I just used to open the book and get awed by the person who transformed millions of lives. He had once quoted that I will make hundreds of Kuriens coming out of IRMA. I know Dr. Kurien can only be one, but his trust in the institute, in its participants, has motivated me to do atleast a miniscule fraction of Dr. Kurien did. I dont know if I ever live upto the expectations, but I shall always try to.Now, few months after the meeting, there was placement times at IRMA. All seniors suggested that you need to read Dr. Kuriens autobiography, "I too had a Dream" for Amul's placement interview. Reluctantly, I had to hand it over to my friend to read which subsequently went to other friend; and in the end became untraceable. I had lost my most priced possession. I kept no stone unturned to get it back but to no avail.

Few days from that, it was end of IRMA journey. Everyone had started to depart for home or trips to nearby places. I had my car with me, so had decided to leave a little late to complete some pending matters. I always wanted to meet Dr. Kurien in person, talk to him and thank him for the huge role he had played in transforming my life. We were under the impression that Dr. Kurien were in Chennai for health reasons. Still, one afternoon, I just went to Dr. Kurien's house and purely as an aimless arrow in air, I inquired for him. The person at the gate went to call for Molly madam, wife of Dr. Kurien. When she came, I requested her for a chance to meet Dr. Ku especially since our time at campus was over and we were not sure when we would be coming back again. After a lot of insistence, she agreed and called me at 5pm. I thanked her and went back to campus.

Now, I wanted a copy of his autobiography for me to get his autograph. The local bookstore was out of stock, and there was no other option. As it is said, where there is a will, there is a way. I was told that some professors had undergone a training wherein they were handed over new copies of book. I requested a professor, and he thankfully agreed to give me his copy, and I promised him a brand new copy to that prof at the earliest. And instantly, I ordered a copy of the book from online store.

India was playing Pakistan in a crucial world cup semifinal on 30th March. It was same day I was to meet Dr Kurien. I knew Dr. Kurien were very particular about time, so right at 5pm, I and my friend Ajay were at doors of Dr. Kurien. Molly madam welcomed us and requested us to be seated. I glanced through the large hall of his bunglow. One wall had a beautiful picture of Dr. Kurien himself. One wall had few certificates hanging. On close examination, I realised those were Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan- top 2nd, 3rd and 4th highest civilian awards in India. One wall had a  huge life sized poster of Indira Gandhi with some other leaders across a table. On the back of my sofa, was a huge photo of Mt. Everest. Few moments later, Dr. Kurien arrived walking slowly helped by Molly madam. The eternal glow on his face was would leave anybody in awe. I thanked lord for fulfilling my dream of seeing Dr. Kurien in person, and I was soaking in the feeling of being one to one with the hero himself and the pride of long time dream getting accomplished. Molly madam explained him that we were on the brink of becoming alumnus of IRMA and were spending last few days there. He asked us about our time at IRMA. He even inquired about the food in the campus. He started telling us interesting parts of his life story. The talking went on for sometime. After few quite moments, he asked me if I saw what is hanging on the wall behind my back? I told him that it was Mt. Everest. Than he told me that it is personally signed by its first conquerors: Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Sherpa. It left me awestruck! Considering Dr. Kurien had worked closely with Vallabhbhai Patel, Tribhuvandas Patel, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Morarji Desai and host of other national and international leaders; I realized that I was indeed witness to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! The feeling was out of the world.

I finally told Dr. Kurien the reason that I really wanted to meet him. I went on my knees and touched the feet of Dr. Kurien promising myself to contribute in my own way for the betterment of society. I strightened, touched his hand and told him Thank You very much. I expressed him gratitude from the bottom of my heart for transforming my life for the good. He acknowledged it. I stood up and went to Molly madam and touched her feet which had been through Dr. Kurien in thick and thin, And in this wee moments of his life where ill health has caught up with him, she stood strong acting as guide, interpreter and a perfect life long partner for the hero who transformed millions of life. I requested for a photograph with Dr. Kurien. After that, I committed an utterly selfish act which I do not regret. Dr. Kurien were going through very bad health, and his hands are swollen due to edema. He had problems in writing. Still, I requested him to sign me on my copy of his personal autobiography. He willingly signed it for me, and I have decided not to give it to anybody at any cost. I thanked Dr. Kurien once again, thanked Molly madam again and left the place with an immense sense of achievement, gratitude for IRMA and a content heart.

                                      This video gives a brief glimpse of life of Dr. Ku!

He just celebrated his 90th birthday. I wish him the best for his birthday. I came across his pictures, memorable speeches, his videos and the memories of my best ever moments of my life flashed back.If somebody deserves Bharat Ratna more than anybody is Dr. Verghese Kurien. It is the only trophy missing in the cabinet of person conferred with Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, World Food Prize, Wateler Peace Prize, Indian of the year award, Ramon Magasway Award, Krishi Ratna, Godfrey Phillips Bravery Award and host of other national and international recognitions. Through his efforts, he has changed the lives of over 10 million farmers, in addition to other millions who make their living off Amul products, the lives of few hundred IRMAns that he transformed who are now transforming hundreds of lives themselves, NDDB who has transformed so many lives and is on the brink of another operation flood to transform many more lives, GCMMF for the tremendous marketing success making it the largest FMCG in India with a turnover of 10K crores,  and the countless lives that he has transformed through his contributions in AKRSP, Anadalaya school, Tribhuvandas Foundation, KIIT School of Rural Management, Vikshit Bharat Foundation etc. and hundreds other through his indirect contributions via his students, inspirees & followers; He truly deserves a Bharat Ratna.

The prospect of someone achieving so much in a short lifetime, seeing happiness in lives of millions due to your efforts, fighting with the system by being in the system, getting done what is needed and  leading the life by example is truly amusing. The thing that is confusing is that why do we have only 1 Kurien in a population of over 1 billion? And the thing that is both Amusing and Confusing is how the mere presence of a great Hero inspires you to emulate them, motivates you to work hard, challenge the unchallenged, gives you immense peace of mind, source of happiness, have some memorable moments and drives you to excel in your own field whichever it may be!

I would end by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Kurien for everything! Thank You Dr. Ku.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Mind-Boggling Real Estate of Mumbai!

I am not sure if it was present from earlier, or I started closely analysing the market since then; but I feel that real estate atleast in Mumbai has boomed & blossomed in last few years. I dont remember people talking about home deals in crores of rupees than. But, nowadays, a house coming for less than a crore rupees is a very nice deal! It is quite amusing and confusing how did so much money come to people all of a sudden, and also real estate market outpacing all the conventions of standard markets. It has become synonymous with abnormal profits!

I was trying to figure out a rough value of simply houses in Mumbai. Here are the assumptions:

The total area of Mumbai is 603.4 km2 (233 sq mi). Of this, the island city spans 67.79 km2 (26 sq mi), while the suburban district spans 370 km2 (143 sq mi), together accounting for 437.71 km2 (169 sq mi) under the administration of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). The remaining area belongs to Defence, Mumbai Port Trust, Atomic Energy Commission and Borivali National Park, which are out of the jurisdiction of the BMC.

So, around 437 sq. km or 169 sq miles of area comes under BMC. 169 sq. miles roughly equals to 4,711,449,600 sq. ft. We shall assume only 4,000,000,000 sq. ft for our calculations.

Further assuming, buildings (including residential and commercial) are built on 50% of area of Mumbai. Rest is covered by roads, highways, railways, parking areas, grounds, slums, waste lands, dumping rounds etc. This leaves us with an area of approximately 2,000,000,000 sq. ft. covered by buildings.

Now, length of buildings is variable. Not considering the under construction India tower of 125 floors the largest building in Mumbai is Imperial towers of 60 storeys. We shall take the average length of buildings as 3 floors. So, the total available land under buildings is 6,000,000,000 sq. ft.

Now, the price of real estate in Mumbai ranges from Rs. 6000/ sq. ft to as high as Rs. 65,000 psf. Although, it has become very difficult to find a home priced at Rs. 8000 psf., we might still consider that price as price to find out the total value of real estate in Mumbai.
Hold your breath!!!!

The total value of real estate in Mumbai comes to a STAGGERING

48,000,000,000,000 Indian Rupees!!

In words: 48 Trillion Indian Rupees.

In USD (@48Rs per 1 USD): 1,000,000,000,000

In words: 1 trillion US$

For some comparisons:
US GDP (as well as US debt) is 15 trillion $
India's 2010 GDP was 1.5 trillion US$
Australian GDP is 1.2 trillion
Pakistan GDP is 174 billion US$
If you remove the top 3 African countries, than the total GDP of remaining 50 African countries roughly equals to that of worth of Mumbai's real estate!

This is a VERY VERY conservative calculations. I could not get hand to actual data.

I know it would not be appropriate, still if you add the following facts:

• Mumbai accounts for 16% of income tax collections and 35% of corporate tax collection in the country.
• Mumbai accounts for 25% of the State's income at current prices.
• 66% of the sales tax revenue in Maharashtra originated in Mumbai.
• Mumbai is home to both the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange and dominated the turnover and total market capitalization of the Indian stock markets. The share of these two exchanges is about 92% with respect to the total turnover. They represent virtually the total market capitalization of India's corporate sector.
• Contributes 30% of customs duty.
• Mumbai handles 26% of the domestic air traffic cargo and an average of40%of the international air cargo traffic in country and about 25% of the domestic and 38% of the International air passenger traffic in the country.
• The number of telephone connection in Mumbai is estimated to be approximately 2.31 million. Of the approximately 7 million cellular subscribers in India, 10% of the subscribers are believed to be in Mumbai.
• 2.5 million tax assesses.
• Mumbai accounts for a significant share in deposits mobilization (14% of total deposits) and deployment of credit (21% of total credit) of scheduled commercial banks.
• Mumbai accounts for almost 30% of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the State.
• Handles over 35% of cheque clearances in number and 60% in value, more than 10 times that of any other metro.

I dont know how sustainable are these numbers, whether it is overpriced, under-priced, actual or virtual (like Facebook).

All I can say is.... THIS IS MIND BOGGLING!!!! For me, It is Amusing and Confusing :)