Monday 7 November 2011

Mystery of Life

People said, ‘Life is a mYSTERY to be solved!'

I took it as a challenge & tried to solve it!
I took it as a puzzle & tried to crack it.

On my way, I tried to find all the clues,
That may help me to solve this mystery!

I walked through a crowd,
To feel the deafening silence within myself!

I walked through the shore,
To feel the waves rise and fall!

I walked on a riverbank,
To feel the shimmering river!

I trudged past a jungle,
To feel the bliss of nature!

I flew through the sky,
To feel the feeling of flying.

I wandered alone in darkness,
To feel the sound of silence!

I went down the sea,
To feel the life of water.

I strolled through a Desert,
To feel what is it to be sand!

I climbed up a mountain,
To feel the top of the world.

I left no stone unturned,
I left no work undone.
Just to solve the puzzle called LIFE!

I tried to find signs everywhere,
I tied to decode codes everywhere
Just to solve an enigma called LIVING!

Then I realized, I was wrong.
Many people took LIFE as a puzzle,
And tried to solve it; everybody failing!

I have known that,
Life is a mystery...
It is not to be solved,
It has to be lived! It has to be enjoyed,
It has to be cherished and relished.

And that day, I got answers to all my questions,
Answers to my joys, sorrows, pains and happiness!
Answers to all the puzzles, trials and tribulations.

And I solved the mystery of LIFE,
By living It, Enjoying It, Cherishing It and relishing it!!


  1. hey... never knew you write so well... good work
    keep it up

  2. That was so positive...loved it :)
